

“ In every moment you only have one real choice: to be aware of the Self or to identify with the body and the mind.”     --  Annamalai Swami   Rememb er, to k now Yourself, return to the silence before words.

Self-Observation -- Watch the Mind Like a Hawk

“Eternal vigilance is the price one has to pay for Freedom. Only with constant vigilance and by remaining aware all the time, one can really start seeing the working of this cunning manipulative mind. While observing with aloof attention, all these compartments open up and the contents surface up.   In that field of eternal vigilance you start observing the whole trajectory of the thought. Then like a hawk you are able to catch the thought as soon as it arises in your inner space. Thus by catching a thought right at the point of onset, you can dissolve it before it catches you. Slowly the grip of the thought-emotional mind loosens up. And the awareness gains momentum. More and more Life energy gathers up which strengthens the field of vigilant awareness.  All these thought-emotions get dissolved into the light of vibrant awareness. This is the way one can remain in the field of pure consciousness for longer duration. This is how the integration of Total Life Energ...

How to Practise Self-Enquiry

One needs to look at everything that moves within the field of mind. This must not be a superficial inquiry but one carried out with one’s entire being. One has to be watchful to catch every thought as it arises – follow its trajectory – how it comes up, moves and ends. Then one will begin to realize that the entire movement of thought is habitual and mechanical. Only through attentive watchfulness will this mechanical and compulsive movement of thought, lose its momentum and finally come to an end. In such ending one will discover a mysterious momentum of quietude. If one wants peace, creativity and love, one has to undertake this inward journey. One may be clever, but mere cleverness will not lead to that state of peace and ecstasy which is the very basis of life.   -- Dada Gavand Remember, to know Yourself, return to the silence before words.

The Arahant - Ajahn Amaro

The lone remaining wall  Of a long-since fallen house,  No more inside, no more outside,  No more trespass for the mouse;  Where a doorway and five windows  Allow the winds to pass  Unobstructed as they billow  Through the woods, across the grass;  Where sun and moon and starshine  Illuminate the scene  For all the folk that pass it by  When wandering in the green.  "I wonder who the person was  Who built this mighty house,  That's now a bramble garden  And a home for grub and louse?"  A broken ridge and rafters smashed  Lie strewn across the floor  And all that stands, quite ownerless,  Five windows and a door.   –       Chithurst, 1983    Remember, to know Yourself, return to the silence before words.


"[Stillness] strikes me. This bottle, this glass, a big stone on a deserted beach – these are motionless things, but they set loose great movements in my mind... People who go bathing on a beach and who move about, touch me much less than the [stillness] of a pebble. (Motionless things become grand, much grander than moving things.) [Stillness] makes me think of great spaces in which movements take place which do not stop at a given moment, movements which have no end. It is, as Kant said, the immediate irruption of the infinite in the finite. A pebble which is a finite and motionless object suggests to me not only movements, but movements without end."    -- Jean Miro  Remember, to know Yourself, return to the silence before words.  Quote via Brain Pickings;  Photo collage by Eduwrite


The wild geese do not intend to cast their reflection, The water has no mind to receive their image.     -- Zen Poem  Rememb er, to k now Yourself, return to the silence before words.


Every moment we recognize awareness ― and really trust and learn to appreciate it ― joy comes, compassion comes, and love. But it isn’t personal; it isn’t based on liking, preferences, or kammic attachments. The dhamma is not the destruction of conditioned phenomena, but the container of it. All possibilities of conditioned phenomena arise and cease in the dhamma; and there is nothing that can bind us once we see that, because the reality of the dhamma is seen rather than the forms that arise and cease. Mindfulness reflections are skilful means the Buddha developed for investigating experience, for breaking down the illusions we hold, for breaking through the ignorance we grasp at, for freeing ourselves from form, the limited and the unsatisfactory. Rather than teaching too many techniques now, or giving too much structure, I prefer to encourage people just to trust themselves with mindfulness and awareness. Often meditation is taught with this sense that one has to get something or ...