This series is a collection of pointers or teaching aphorisms by Nisargadatta Maharaj on the theme of separation - uncluttered with words and explanations. Remember, to know Yourself, return to the silence before words.
– Nisargadatta Maharaj
In reality
only the Ultimate is. The rest is
a matter of name and form. And as long
as you cling to the idea that only what has name and shape exists, the Supreme
will appear to you non-existing.
When you
understand that names and shapes are hollow shells without any content
whatsoever, and what is real is nameless and formless, pure energy of life and
light of consciousness, you will be at peace – immersed in the deep silence of
– Nisargadatta Maharaj
How to reflect on the pointers
The sense of personal self is simply the result of
conditioning. How did you form your ideas about yourself? If you reflect on
this question, you will discover that your ideas of self-identity have been
learned from society – your parents, your teachers, your peers, etc. The
consensual reality of the society in which “you” are located perpetuates these
ideas about self-identity. Almost every book you read, song lyric you listen
to, photograph you observe, television programme you watch, business interaction
you participate in and social or love relationship you enjoy reinforces this idea of “you” as
a separate individual in the world. Of course, the entrained and conditioned
mind perpetuates this false sense of self-identity with a constant narrative of
desires and fears that carve this self. You are conditioned, and therefore
blinded to the True Reality.
The function of the pointers is to break down this
conditioning. The pointers point to Your True Nature. For example, in this
series, while the whole of society tells you that you are a separate
individual, the pointers offered tell you that this is not true; that you are
not a separate individual and never have been. The pointers tell you that separation
is a myth.
The way the pointers are used in this tradition, is simply
to reflect on them in silence. The pointers act like a type of mental hydrochloric
acid, dissolving all untrue thoughts about yourself – until only the
thought-free Reality remains.
Please note, the suggestion to reflect on pointers in
silence does not mean sitting on a cushion in a silent room for an hour a day. The
silence never leaves you, and can be located within all the moments of your
everyday life. The pointer becomes like a question carried within the heart. The
enquiry has no end – it infuses every breath. Every thought recognised as false
(all thoughts) as it arises reminds you to reflect on the pointer towards Truth.
This investigation happens in all moments silently and anonymously – while the
body goes about the business of everyday life.