This series is a collection of pointers or teaching aphorisms by Nisargadatta Maharaj on realizing Yourself beyond the sense “I Am”. If the sense "I Am" can be perceived, it cannot be Who You Are. What perceives? Who or what are You? Remember, to know Yourself, return to the silence before words.
You are afraid because you have assumed something as ‘I am’, which actually you are not. Suppose you find a diamond ring on the road and you pocket it. Since it is not yours, a fear overcomes you. When you put on an identity that is not yours, you are afraid, but when you are the pure ‘I amness’ only, there is no fear. Presently you are this ‘I am’, but this ‘I am’ is not the truth. Whatever you are prior to the appearance of the ‘I am’, that is your
real nature.
– Nisargadatta