With the practice of self-enquiry, seekers often have experiences of profound peace and silence. However, these peaceful experiences are not stable. Sooner or later seekers will experience some type of stress or drama in everyday life, and then they will feel that they have lost this sense of peace and stillness.
The series will share pointers that reveal the pattern of attraction and aversion that create "heaven" and "hell" and keep seekers trapped on the roller coaster of pleasure and pain.
The series will share pointers that reveal the pattern of attraction and aversion that create "heaven" and "hell" and keep seekers trapped on the roller coaster of pleasure and pain.
Whatever may be the experience, true or false, the fact of an experience taking place cannot be denied. It is its own proof. Watch yourself closely, and you will see that whatever be the content of consciousness, the witnessing of it does not depend on the content. Awareness is itself, and does not change with the event. The event may be pleasant or unpleasant, minor or important, awareness is the same. Take note of the peculiar nature of pure awareness, its natural self-identity, without the least trace of self-consciousness, and go to the root of it, and you will soon realize that awareness is your true nature, and nothing you may be aware of you can call your own.
– Nisargadatta
Remember, to know Yourself, return to the silence before words.