Most seekers embark on the search through the desire is be free of suffering and abide in the freedom of the natural state. At the initial stages, when identified with the person, the desire may be at a personal level -- to become enlightened, change the world, become a successful and famous spiritual teacher, to be free from the problems of the relative. In other words, the desire is to gain something at a personal level.
When the seeker is ripe or ready, these personal desires drop away. Instead, there is simply the burning and earnest desire to know the Self and be free of suffering. This series will offer the direct path pointers on how to be free from suffering -- permanently.
Remember, to know Yourself, return to the silence before words.
When the seeker is ripe or ready, these personal desires drop away. Instead, there is simply the burning and earnest desire to know the Self and be free of suffering. This series will offer the direct path pointers on how to be free from suffering -- permanently.
Death is generally considered to be a traumatic experience, but understand what
happens. That which has been born, the knowledge 'I am' which is the same everywhere,
but which has gotten itself limited by the body, again becomes unlimited. A
speck of consciousness is given up. Why the fear? How has this fear of death crept in?
That which cannot die somehow became convinced that it was going to die. It is based
on the concept that one is an individual who is born... all the fear arises from mere
words told to you by someone. This is the bondage. It is like someone gives you a drink
and then tells you, "I have put poison in that drink, and in six months you will die.?
Immediately you become very frightened because you think that you will die. But then
you meet a friend and he tells you not to worry. He says, "Here, drink this and there
will be no death for you. First there is one concept which fills you full of fright, and then
there is another concept which negates the first concept. Like this you get involved with
the flow of maya and there are concepts, ideas, creations... pain alternates with
pleasure... but all of it is just ignorance and misery. It is only when you search for your
Self that you become aware that it is all a fraud.
– Nisargadatta
Remember, to know Yourself, return to the silence before words.